tend to look at religion in certain ways. There is truth in these
ways but it is not the entire truth. There are things that most do
not know or understand. The mystery traditions teach a fuller truth
but few of their adepts look deep enough to see the entirety of it.
Ultimately the lesson is that there is no truth. Reality is made up
of what we put into it collectively. We summon the godhead from
God is internal rather then external. We are all “of god”, Christos. Jesus taught this as well as an anarchistic view of the world. He was not Jesus of Nazareth, he was Jesus of god. The city state did not matter to him rather we were all created equal, we were all children of god.
There have always been dark forces that understood the teaching of the mysteries and used them for their own ends. Many of those dark forces hold positions of power within the church. By 336AD those forces had control and the Council of Nicaea did more then put out a creed. They hand picked the books that would become the new testament and did so in a way as to control the masses. The bible we have today is made up of only those books they felt could be used to control.
Jefferson understood this and he picked only verses that did not involve Jesus performing miracles when he put together his book “The life and moral teachings of Jesus of Nazareth”. His choices come from the oldest books of the new testament but even these are only datable to around 100 years after the time of Jesus. However there are other books that the Nicaean council kept out of their version of the bible. The Gospels of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, and Judas, the collection known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, and others.
God is internal rather then external. We are all “of god”, Christos. Jesus taught this as well as an anarchistic view of the world. He was not Jesus of Nazareth, he was Jesus of god. The city state did not matter to him rather we were all created equal, we were all children of god.
There have always been dark forces that understood the teaching of the mysteries and used them for their own ends. Many of those dark forces hold positions of power within the church. By 336AD those forces had control and the Council of Nicaea did more then put out a creed. They hand picked the books that would become the new testament and did so in a way as to control the masses. The bible we have today is made up of only those books they felt could be used to control.
Jefferson understood this and he picked only verses that did not involve Jesus performing miracles when he put together his book “The life and moral teachings of Jesus of Nazareth”. His choices come from the oldest books of the new testament but even these are only datable to around 100 years after the time of Jesus. However there are other books that the Nicaean council kept out of their version of the bible. The Gospels of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, and Judas, the collection known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, and others.
lost books were hidden for nearly 2000 years and only resurfaced now
in a time when those who found them and brought them to the people
would not be labeled heretics and burned along with the texts they
discovered. If ever god had a plan it was in keeping these books
safe and bringing them to us in this age of semi-enlightenment.
To re-write our reality, to overturn the cult of the slain god and
bring back the true message of Jesus, this is a worthy goal that
will require the work of many. Spreading the words of Jesus, showing
how he stood up against unjust authority, how he challenged the
status quo , and teaching how his words have been twisted to the
very opposite of his original message, is of the utmost importance.
His church was one of resistance and self improvement while the churches that use the roman torture device known as the crucifix as their symbol tend to teach obedience and improvement only through the sanctioned church. We must rebuild the church of Jesus, one that values life over money, poor over rich, enrichment of the self by enriching the entirety of society.
Many historians have noted that there are no tombs marked with crucifixes found in the centuries immediately following the life of Jesus. However there are those tombs marked with an upside down V, a chevron, over a circle. The chevron represents ascension, the journey upward to heaven while the circle represents the self. This is most likely the original symbol of the teachings of Jesus. The self ascending. Not just at the moment of death but throughout their life. The goal of these early Christians was bringing the kingdom of heaven, one where all men and women are equal, to earth through their tireless work. A kingdom that had no ruler or laws outside of the laws of god. This proto-socialism was a threat to the empire and the reason while early Christians, the people of god, were persecuted by the Romans.
Constantine found the ultimate persecution and turned the teachings into something that supported Rome rather then resisting it. Rather than feed people to lions he turned them into the lions, praying on their own. Instead of trying to better all the goal became to better the self here on earth. No longer was the goal to bring heaven to earth, instead one would sin and support the church to have those sins forgiven so they could go to heaven in the afterlife. Jesus cursed those who hoarded while others suffered but Constantine's church was made of those who would gather gold and worldly possessions. The parables against the rich became ways to fleece the poor of what little they had. The eye of the needle became a fictitious gate rather then an impossibility. The church itself became a hoarder of money and power. Gold and jewels adorn these churches. While Jesus preached in open air markets with the sun above him these pretenders preached in the darkness of closed rooms with only candles and stray sunlight filtered through gilded and stained glass to light the room.
These are more than allegory, these are the truths. The church of Christos, the church of the people of god, was an Anarchist (against the state, Rome) Socialist (for the entire people rather than the few) organization that resisted injustice and whose members were willing to die for their beliefs. Few today understand what Jesus fought for let alone the risks he knowingly took in doing so.
Jesus preached resistance to oppression. Resistance to repression from state and resistance to repression from the church. The majority of those alive today who call themselves Christians are those Jesus would have stood against. It does not matter how charismatic a preacher is, when he is wearing a thousand dollar suit and being displayed on giant screens behind him then he is just another force of Mammon. If only the poor can get into heaven then why are so many priests surrounded by the luxuries of the the rich? Why are their churches filled with golden idols?
These are some of the questions that the Christians of today need to ask themselves. What would Jesus do? It's not just a simple slogan worn on t-shirts and bracelets it is a legitimate question that we should all be asking ourselves every day. Jesus would have been in liberty plaza in New York as part of the Occupy Movement. He would be walking into the banks and flipping over their tables. He would understand how the banks exist only to take a portion of your earnings, that they are a force of Mammon.
Jesus would be outside of the Pentagon protesting the actions of the Department of Defense around the world. He would understand how our destruction in the middle east, his homeland, is the reason why the United States is so hated over there. How decades of our compliance with dictators and supplying them with the weapons they need to repress their people has driven some of them to extremism. How our very actions are the cause of the terrorism we now fight.
Some preachers today talk of fire and brimstone. They talk of the wrath of god. They use the fear of god to put you into a position where you will obey the state. This has nothing to do with the teaching of Jesus. Jesus taught love and tolerance. He taught that the old laws of Leviticus no longer apply. He taught equality. When others would relegate someone to the lowly rank of a foot washer Jesus lowered himself and washed her feet. The reality of Jesus must become the reality we live in. A homeless Palestinian Anarchist changed the world in his time. In his name we must stand up against the very forces he stood against in his time and bring back the world he created. If we do not and we continue to let Mammon rule over us then we are doomed.
The time of judgment is upon us. False divides like Republican and Democrat, Left and Right, Black and White, have been used to keep us fighting amongst ourselves for too long. The enemy Jesus fought, the forces of Mammon, the rich who would rule over us, must be defeated before it is too late. We must make a stand now, for all of mankind, for the equality that Jesus stood for, right now and for the rest of our lives. You can live like Jesus, live as one of the people of god, or you can continue to work for Mammon and doom us all.
His church was one of resistance and self improvement while the churches that use the roman torture device known as the crucifix as their symbol tend to teach obedience and improvement only through the sanctioned church. We must rebuild the church of Jesus, one that values life over money, poor over rich, enrichment of the self by enriching the entirety of society.
Many historians have noted that there are no tombs marked with crucifixes found in the centuries immediately following the life of Jesus. However there are those tombs marked with an upside down V, a chevron, over a circle. The chevron represents ascension, the journey upward to heaven while the circle represents the self. This is most likely the original symbol of the teachings of Jesus. The self ascending. Not just at the moment of death but throughout their life. The goal of these early Christians was bringing the kingdom of heaven, one where all men and women are equal, to earth through their tireless work. A kingdom that had no ruler or laws outside of the laws of god. This proto-socialism was a threat to the empire and the reason while early Christians, the people of god, were persecuted by the Romans.
Constantine found the ultimate persecution and turned the teachings into something that supported Rome rather then resisting it. Rather than feed people to lions he turned them into the lions, praying on their own. Instead of trying to better all the goal became to better the self here on earth. No longer was the goal to bring heaven to earth, instead one would sin and support the church to have those sins forgiven so they could go to heaven in the afterlife. Jesus cursed those who hoarded while others suffered but Constantine's church was made of those who would gather gold and worldly possessions. The parables against the rich became ways to fleece the poor of what little they had. The eye of the needle became a fictitious gate rather then an impossibility. The church itself became a hoarder of money and power. Gold and jewels adorn these churches. While Jesus preached in open air markets with the sun above him these pretenders preached in the darkness of closed rooms with only candles and stray sunlight filtered through gilded and stained glass to light the room.
These are more than allegory, these are the truths. The church of Christos, the church of the people of god, was an Anarchist (against the state, Rome) Socialist (for the entire people rather than the few) organization that resisted injustice and whose members were willing to die for their beliefs. Few today understand what Jesus fought for let alone the risks he knowingly took in doing so.
Jesus preached resistance to oppression. Resistance to repression from state and resistance to repression from the church. The majority of those alive today who call themselves Christians are those Jesus would have stood against. It does not matter how charismatic a preacher is, when he is wearing a thousand dollar suit and being displayed on giant screens behind him then he is just another force of Mammon. If only the poor can get into heaven then why are so many priests surrounded by the luxuries of the the rich? Why are their churches filled with golden idols?
These are some of the questions that the Christians of today need to ask themselves. What would Jesus do? It's not just a simple slogan worn on t-shirts and bracelets it is a legitimate question that we should all be asking ourselves every day. Jesus would have been in liberty plaza in New York as part of the Occupy Movement. He would be walking into the banks and flipping over their tables. He would understand how the banks exist only to take a portion of your earnings, that they are a force of Mammon.
Jesus would be outside of the Pentagon protesting the actions of the Department of Defense around the world. He would understand how our destruction in the middle east, his homeland, is the reason why the United States is so hated over there. How decades of our compliance with dictators and supplying them with the weapons they need to repress their people has driven some of them to extremism. How our very actions are the cause of the terrorism we now fight.
Some preachers today talk of fire and brimstone. They talk of the wrath of god. They use the fear of god to put you into a position where you will obey the state. This has nothing to do with the teaching of Jesus. Jesus taught love and tolerance. He taught that the old laws of Leviticus no longer apply. He taught equality. When others would relegate someone to the lowly rank of a foot washer Jesus lowered himself and washed her feet. The reality of Jesus must become the reality we live in. A homeless Palestinian Anarchist changed the world in his time. In his name we must stand up against the very forces he stood against in his time and bring back the world he created. If we do not and we continue to let Mammon rule over us then we are doomed.
The time of judgment is upon us. False divides like Republican and Democrat, Left and Right, Black and White, have been used to keep us fighting amongst ourselves for too long. The enemy Jesus fought, the forces of Mammon, the rich who would rule over us, must be defeated before it is too late. We must make a stand now, for all of mankind, for the equality that Jesus stood for, right now and for the rest of our lives. You can live like Jesus, live as one of the people of god, or you can continue to work for Mammon and doom us all.
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