Saturday, March 18, 2017

Reality is what we can get away with.

We tend to look at religion in certain ways. There is truth in these ways but it is not the entire truth. There are things that most do not know or understand. The mystery traditions teach a fuller truth but few of their adepts look deep enough to see the entirety of it. Ultimately the lesson is that there is no truth. Reality is made up of what we put into it collectively. We summon the godhead from within.

God is internal rather then external. We are all “of god”, Christos. Jesus taught this as well as an anarchistic view of the world. He was not Jesus of Nazareth, he was Jesus of god. The city state did not matter to him rather we were all created equal, we were all children of god.

There have always been dark forces that understood the teaching of the mysteries and used them for their own ends. Many of those dark forces hold positions of power within the church. By 336AD those forces had control and the Council of Nicaea did more then put out a creed. They hand picked the books that would become the new testament and did so in a way as to control the masses. The bible we have today is made up of only those books they felt could be used to control.

Jefferson understood this and he picked only verses that did not involve Jesus performing miracles when he put together his book “The life and moral teachings of Jesus of Nazareth”. His choices come from the oldest books of the new testament but even these are only datable to around 100 years after the time of Jesus. However there are other books that the Nicaean council kept out of their version of the bible. The Gospels of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, and Judas, the collection known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, and others.

These lost books were hidden for nearly 2000 years and only resurfaced now in a time when those who found them and brought them to the people would not be labeled heretics and burned along with the texts they discovered. If ever god had a plan it was in keeping these books safe and bringing them to us in this age of semi-enlightenment.

To re-write our reality, to overturn the cult of the slain god and bring back the true message of Jesus, this is a worthy goal that will require the work of many. Spreading the words of Jesus, showing how he stood up against unjust authority, how he challenged the status quo , and teaching how his words have been twisted to the very opposite of his original message, is of the utmost importance.

His church was one of resistance and self improvement while the churches that use the roman torture device known as the crucifix as their symbol tend to teach obedience and improvement only through the sanctioned church. We must rebuild the church of Jesus, one that values life over money, poor over rich, enrichment of the self by enriching the entirety of society.

Many historians have noted that there are no tombs marked with crucifixes found in the centuries immediately following the life of Jesus. However there are those tombs marked with an upside down V, a chevron, over a circle. The chevron represents ascension, the journey upward to heaven while the circle represents the self. This is most likely the original symbol of the teachings of Jesus. The self ascending. Not just at the moment of death but throughout their life. The goal of these early Christians was bringing the kingdom of heaven, one where all men and women are equal, to earth through their tireless work. A kingdom that had no ruler or laws outside of the laws of god. This proto-socialism was a threat to the empire and the reason while early Christians, the people of god, were persecuted by the Romans.

Constantine found the ultimate persecution and turned the teachings into something that supported Rome rather then resisting it. Rather than feed people to lions he turned them into the lions, praying on their own. Instead of trying to better all the goal became to better the self here on earth. No longer was the goal to bring heaven to earth, instead one would sin and support the church to have those sins forgiven so they could go to heaven in the afterlife. Jesus cursed those who hoarded while others suffered but Constantine's church was made of those who would gather gold and worldly possessions. The parables against the rich became ways to fleece the poor of what little they had. The eye of the needle became a fictitious gate rather then an impossibility. The church itself became a hoarder of money and power. Gold and jewels adorn these churches. While Jesus preached in open air markets with the sun above him these pretenders preached in the darkness of closed rooms with only candles and stray sunlight filtered through gilded and stained glass to light the room.

These are more than allegory, these are the truths. The church of Christos, the church of the people of god, was an Anarchist (against the state, Rome) Socialist (for the entire people rather than the few) organization that resisted injustice and whose members were willing to die for their beliefs. Few today understand what Jesus fought for let alone the risks he knowingly took in doing so.

Jesus preached resistance to oppression. Resistance to repression from state and resistance to repression from the church. The majority of those alive today who call themselves Christians are those Jesus would have stood against. It does not matter how charismatic a preacher is, when he is wearing a thousand dollar suit and being displayed on giant screens behind him then he is just another force of Mammon. If only the poor can get into heaven then why are so many priests surrounded by the luxuries of the the rich? Why are their churches filled with golden idols?

These are some of the questions that the Christians of today need to ask themselves. What would Jesus do? It's not just a simple slogan worn on t-shirts and bracelets it is a legitimate question that we should all be asking ourselves every day. Jesus would have been in liberty plaza in New York as part of the Occupy Movement. He would be walking into the banks and flipping over their tables. He would understand how the banks exist only to take a portion of your earnings, that they are a force of Mammon.

Jesus would be outside of the Pentagon protesting the actions of the Department of Defense around the world. He would understand how our destruction in the middle east, his homeland, is the reason why the United States is so hated over there. How decades of our compliance with dictators and supplying them with the weapons they need to repress their people has driven some of them to extremism. How our very actions are the cause of the terrorism we now fight.

Some preachers today talk of fire and brimstone. They talk of the wrath of god. They use the fear of god to put you into a position where you will obey the state. This has nothing to do with the teaching of Jesus. Jesus taught love and tolerance. He taught that the old laws of Leviticus no longer apply. He taught equality. When others would relegate someone to the lowly rank of a foot washer Jesus lowered himself and washed her feet. The reality of Jesus must become the reality we live in. A homeless Palestinian Anarchist changed the world in his time. In his name we must stand up against the very forces he stood against in his time and bring back the world he created. If we do not and we continue to let Mammon rule over us then we are doomed.

The time of judgment is upon us. False divides like Republican and Democrat, Left and Right, Black and White, have been used to keep us fighting amongst ourselves for too long. The enemy Jesus fought, the forces of Mammon, the rich who would rule over us, must be defeated before it is too late. We must make a stand now, for all of mankind, for the equality that Jesus stood for, right now and for the rest of our lives. You can live like Jesus, live as one of the people of god, or you can continue to work for Mammon and doom us all.

The first lesson.

Kindergarten. The first place where someone outside of our family-unit attempts to program us. The first place a professional programmer gets inside our brain.

Not all 'teachers' are the same. Some teach skills, some teach life lessons, some just teach obedience. I've had all sorts in my short lived career as a professional student. I do not remember the name of the first person who tried to teach blind obedience to me but I'll forever remember the moment when I realized it was all a lie.

See there was this fish tank. I liked the fish tank, it was an entire microcosm of the sea. Living creatures, plants, water, sun, earth, and air. The air especially interested me. It bubbled up from the bottom and my young brain was already beginning to work as an engineer so I quickly found the hose that fed air under the rocks and to test my hypothesis I squeezed the hose.

The bubbles stopped.

I released the hose, the bubbles started again.

I squeezed the hose a second time and again the bubbles stopped confirming my hypothesis that the hose was involved in the creation of the bubbles.

Now I should note that all this was before class began. Maybe half the children in the class were already there. I remember one child standing with me next to the fish tank likewise enthralled by the near magickal control over the element of air this piece of rubber hose held.

Enter the teacher. I'm not sure if I heard the teacher enter the room, I feel like I must have. However since class had not yet started and it was typical for the children to roam about the room until the bell rang I simply continued being enraptured by the connection between the hose and the bubbles. Squeeze the hose bubbles stop, release and they start again. Squeeze the hose and...

The left side of my head exploded in pain as the teacher grabbed me by the ear and yanked me away from the tank. Instantly my entire world was centered on the pain and the screaming adult in front of me.

“What do you think you're doing?” was yelled at me. I did not yet understand what a rhetorical question was so I was a little distraught when I was given no chance to answer the apparent question. The teacher continued with “Why are you trying to kill the fish?” again no chance for a reply was given to what had appeared to be a question.

At this point I became aware that the entire class was watching the two of us. The imprint was meant not just for me but for the entirety of the classroom. I was sure the teacher wanted us to learn something but I wasn't sure what it could be. I wasn't trying to hurt the fish, I certainly wasn't trying to kill them. I had been very careful not to release the hose while any fish were right in the path of the bubbles unlike the teacher who did not seem to mind causing pain, both as she had pulled me away from the tank by my ear and now as she practically threw me at my table area.

I'm sure I must have been a poor student that day as my mind raced with questions like 'why did she think I was trying to hurt the fish?' and 'what did I do wrong' leaving no room to pay attention during the rest of the class. This started a long tradition of me internalizing things to an extent that would often make it appear as if I was less attentive than I could be. I was very attentive but it was only to those things that I thought were really important and the lessons of the day were of much less importance to me than figuring out why I had been both physically injured and been singled out for a reprimand in front of my peers.

By the end of the class I had if figured out. The teacher did not care to know the answers to the 'questions' she asked me, that much was easy to discover as she never gave me time to answer. So my mind decided that she must already know the answers. Of course the answer to the first question was “trying to figure out how this works” and the second was “I'm not, I like the fish.” Since she must (as an adult and a teacher no less, the keepers of all knowledge) know the answers than then lesson must be something else.

Don't investigate on your own. Don't teach yourself. That had to be what she was trying to teach the class.

This was the first moment when I learned to not blindly trust adults.

This was the first moment I remember noticing irrational behavior. Her actions made no sense to me and I truly had to ponder the situation to try and decipher the meanings behind the actions.

This was the first time I questioned authority. I knew what I was doing and she did not.

This was the first time I realized that if you really wanted to learn you had to do it on your own because the people sent to teach us were there to keep us in line and only following the paths of learning we were approved to follow. Real learning, unadulterated learning, could only be had by teaching yourself.

That was the day I fell out of love with school. That day opened my mind to distrust and made me aware of misunderstandings. I knew from that day on that I would quest for knowledge and that the hidden lessons held more for me than the school sanctioned ones.

I thank that nameless teacher. She may have been one of the worst teachers I ever had but only by having so horrid was I able to learn these lessons. I had been woken up from the dream by pain and humiliation and in the new awake world I knew I now existed in I must be careful as somethings we learn we must never let those in authority over us know we have learned or there will be repercussions.

My true programming had begun.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A year has passed sing last this blog was updated.

Here is a collection of thoughts on recent events.

Looking back at these observations I must remind myself and others it's always darkest before the dawn.


Day 46 of the 45th administration.

A massive dump of information by Wikileaks includes much information about activities performed by the CIA during the 44th administration. Amid protests of 45 we are reminded that "our" government does not serve the people, they spy on the people.

The fever dreams of every tinfoil hat wearing paranoid seems credible as the code used by the CIA to turn TV's into recording devices monitoring the population is revealed.

While the hacking world begins to dig into this code, both white hats looking for ways to stop such intrusions and black hats seeking to use them for their own purposes, the majority of the populations keeps looking for the specter of the cold war, just as their media has told them too, rather than caring about the actual proof that the CIA interfered with the 2012 election in France.

Our collective decent into madness mines deeper and deeper realms to delve into.


 40th day of the 45th administration

The air smells as it did in France the spring of 1789. Senators lock their doors and hide from their constituents. This would be promising if the warm spring breeze did not carry this to us in winter.

While Senator Ron Johnson hides in a darkened office as his staff delivers a cease and desist note to his constituents gathered to talk with him the permafrost in large swaths of the arctic including Alaska and Canada is no longer frost, nor perma.

Recent news is that over 52,000 square miles of permafrost has been lost just this winter. Record temperatures have spiked all over the world and total we are looking at setting a new all time high. Alongside humans wearing shorts in February we can add less die off of wood boar beetles due to the lack of freeze. The forests continue to thin at an accelerated pace.

The Democrats continue to pretend to represent the people even as they vote to not add a ban on corporate money. Meanwhile they are silent as the military has moved in with assault rifles and forcibly remove natives from their land and role as protectors of our water.

When corporate bottom line is more important then continued planetary stability then no one is allowed to call themselves conservative.

I hope your seat belt is fully fastened because things are just starting to speed up.


As I Awaken on this the 33rd day of the 45th administration I find that the sword of Damocles is hanging over the heads of our collective future.

Despite being only a fraction of a percentage (0.000062%) of the budget the giant banhammer of doom has targeted the National Endowment for the Arts.

That's right, in a 2.5 Trillion dollar budget that is planed to include increases to Military spending and a giant fucking wall to replace the medium fucking wall we already have that does nothing to keep immigrants out 45 thinks that getting rid of the 145 million dollars that funds public radio and TV is going to fix things.

In an age when schools are increasingly inept at teaching, when parents are unable to afford preschool, this is not the time to be gutting our limited free programing of all educational programs yet that is what has been targeted.

I'm not sure if I am furious or happy as 45 seems hell bent on accelerating our decent into oblivion.
Will the world be a better place when the US is no longer a world leader? Will we all be better off when the United States has turned into the largest 3rd world nation filled with those who underwent the DeVos corporate education system? Will the children who grow up without PBS realize what they are missing?

Or will our increase in military spending bring about mutually assured destruction before they even come of age?

As the seconds keep ticking off on the doomsday clock I ponder these things as I begin gathering the needed documents to get a passport...


24th day of the 45th administration.

#Resistance continues in North Dakota. As judges push forward with the corporate agenda, drill baby drill, veterans gather in anticipation of what comes next.

While the Los Angeles Times tells us how quickly 45's poll numbers have fallen since he took office they also try to push people away from radicalism by publishing a hit piece on "the Black Bloc"
California continues to lay under a haze of legal smoke that blankets the entire west coast as yet unworried that the change in administrations may bring a change to enforcement.

The winter continues on as one of the warmest of record. While full data is not yet available and the current winter storms on the northeast may change things up until today it has been the warmest winter ever on record in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

As we continue our rollercoaster ride into oblivion I urge all to remember to live their life as morally and nobly as they can they can while succumbing to every hedonistic wish they can get away with without harming others.